

In this version, the Steam network has been integrated. It is now possible to use the Steam overlay and access friends by connecting to Steam. In addition, dedicated servers for Windows and Linux were successfully created and tested. This means that you will be able to host your own servers [...]

October 15, 2022|

The forums are online!

As I promised, the forums are now online. I know that might be a little too overdone at the moment, but what you've got, you've got, right? :) So visist and post like there's no tomorrow.

September 28, 2022|

Next step: Steam integration

In the next step, the Steam network will be integrated and the basis for dedicated servers will be laid. In addition to official servers, the community should be given the opportunity to host their own servers for Linux and Windows. We'll have more info on that once we've checked the [...]

September 26, 2022|

Initial overview of playable features

I've put together an overview of all the playable features that are in the game right now. It is intended to show you an approximate status of development and serves as a starting point for future updates. The functions listed are currently mostly rudimentary and serve as the basis for [...]

September 26, 2022|

Website is live!

Woohoo! The website is finished! Actually, finished is the wrong term. Of course, new content will be added all the time and I will keep you up to date here. So keep checking back!

September 26, 2022|
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